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HS Hyosung's ESG Brand, RE:GEN:
Reply to Every Generation’s Future
REGEN reply to every generations future
Introduction to
the story of the
ESG brand RE:GEN

HS Hyosung has been striving not only to integrate ESG into group management, but also to place “ESG” values at the center of innovation in each group affiliate. After years of building our substantiality based on technology and business, we declared our ESG brand, “RE:GEN - Promise to Every Generation” in 2023 to promote engagement and dispersion of ESG among the Group's employees, partners, and customers.

HS Hyosung believes that ESG cannot be limited to mere good intentions or peripheral activities of business; it must lead to a more sustainable and safer world that all generations of humanity desire.
Therefore, based on the business and technological presence of HS Hyosung, we believe that ESG should be at the core of our business. We also think that genuine efforts are needed to spread the values of HS Hyosung beyond its immediate members and resonate with everyone who shares those values, in order to contribute to a more sustainable and safe world that all generations want. Furthermore, we believe that HS Hyosung traditional technological DNA, inherited from its founding, can contribute to making the aspirations of all these generations a reality.

Already equipped with a lot of ESG assets in-house, HS Hyosung avoids common errors that can lead to fragmented corporate image improvement, systematizes our assets, and cultivates external sympathy, all while striving to build an industrial ecosystem that is built on a virtuous cycle that puts ESG at the core.

Birth of RE:GEN
In the present day, many businesses are aware of the importance of ESG and accordingly practice its implementation. However, the process of converting such desires to the core of a business is quite challenging. Anyone can make simple efforts, declarations, and formal acts that are almost close to “greenwashing,” but putting ESG at the heart of the business requires more sophisticated technology and complex decision-making, such as more expensive or tricky processes, and additional design. ESG emanates from the awareness that “better deeds,” “better value incorporation,” and “acquisition of a more praised reputation” are not enough to prepare for the future our age and the coming generations will face, which is why HS Hyosung intends to put ESG at the heart of its business.
HS Hyosung defines ESG as the dissemination of technology, efforts, and synergy focused on their “purposes.” Our ESG aims to organically merge technologies and efforts. Many businesses abroad highlight “corporate brand purpose” as the most essential factor in developing social relations, as “sincerity based on substantiality” is more important than “declaration” per se.
HS Hyosung also hopes to promote HS Hyosung's ESG as a “reply to every generation” and to bring all internal and external stakeholders’ beliefs and motivations together behind better values.
RE:GEN Brand Identity

'RE:GEN is a coined word that abbreviates the meaning of “Reply to Every Generation’s Future.” It embodies the intention to develop ESG technologies and solutions for a safer and more prosperous world that not only the current generation lives in but also future generations should enjoy. RE:GEN, the brand launched in 2023, embodies HS Hyosung’s ESG values that it pursues both domestically and internationally. Moreover, HS Hyosung’s ESG is a commitment to a better world by incorporating the core values needed for it.

ESG Brand
Brand Mission
Ceaseless innovation and efforts to adapt to every generation’s (sustainable) future based on HS Hyosung's technological DNA
Brand Vision
A company that presents innovative ideas and solutions for a brighter future for humanity
Brand Essence
A reply to every generation
Core Identity
Team UP

Promotion of circular economy and concern for the socially disadvantaged

Act Together

Carbon neutrality

Best Effort

Hydrogen and renewable energy


Carbon emissions reduction and concern for the socially disadvantaged

Brand Slogan
Reply to Every Generation’s Future
RE:GEN Visual Identity

The RE:GEN brand identity focuses on design development as a symbol of “positive action” that can involve everyone, by clearly conveying the value of ecological virtuous circle through friendly design and technology that can encompass all generations, rather than being limited to specific trends and targets.

  • [Friendly]
    A friendly image as opposed to a strict and unidirectional delivery
  • [Easy]
    Easy and intuitive delivery of complicated and difficult ESG information
  • [Smart]
    New fundamental implementation of ESG in a smarter way using new technologies
  • [Genuine]
    Genuine commitment to act with the future in mind

Based on its visual identity, RE:GEN will assist people to relate to ESG initiatives for a
better generation and improve their willingness to participate.

HS Hyosung’s 5 ESG themes

HS Hyosung’s green flagship brand strategy focuses on circular economy and carbon neutrality based on the group’s ESG strategy, creating synergies by securing ESG technological leadership based on technological substance, not just conceptual values or visions.


Another pillar of HS Hyosung's circular economy is upcycling, which is our effort to generate more diversified demand by adding new functional values to plastic waste to increase its value.

If we simply focus on recycling, demand will unavoidably depend upon the good intentions of the users. We can, however, create additional value, offer customers a reason to choose us, and eventually prolong the life cycle of plastics by providing new functionalities.

HS Hyosung joins the efforts of its three affiliates, Hyosung TNC, HS Hyosung Advanced Materials, and Hyosung Chemical.

Carbon Neutrality

All of HS Hyosung's affiliates reduce carbon emissions from not only manufacturing processes and products, but also various aspects of business operations, and they embrace a net-zero technology agenda.

Carbon neutrality is an important agenda in business implementation and operation at all of HS Hyosung’s affiliates, from chemical firms such as Hyosung TNC and Hyosung Chemical to machine sectors such as Hyosung Heavy Industries and Hyosung Construction.

New Energy Infrastructure

Energy is an essential element of human economic activity. Without the source of energy for humanity's economic activities, civilization will collapse.

Therefore, our aim is to develop a value chain including materials, parts, operational technologies, and the overall distribution system in order to boost the commercialization and efficiency of hydrogen and renewable energy over fossil fuels.

These efforts are centered on Hyosung Heavy Industries, while Hyosung TNC and HS Hyosung Advanced Materials also spare no effort to the commercialization of these new energy sources.

Reduction of Harmful Factors and Conservation of Resources

It is better to prevent harmful factors before they take place. Furthermore, we should not waste our resources unless they are bare essentials.

All HS Hyosung affiliates adhere to the philosophy of minimizing energy and resource consumption, as well as harmful factors, in all production and operation cycles, and strive to apply this philosophy at all stages of process and business design.

In particular, our affiliates, including HS Hyosung Advanced Materials, Hyosung Chemical, Hyosung TNC, and Hyosung Heavy Industries (Construction), are fully aware that the most significant component in business design is the reduction of harmful factors and resource-saving.

Direction of the RE:GEN brand development

Based on this ESG brand, HS Hyosung makes every effort to build substantiality in its businesses, as well as to develop and implement strategies to share each affiliate's ESG efforts and will with external partners.

To develop as a practical ESG brand, we will strengthen our marketing and communication efforts so that more customers and end users can have access to ESG-compliant products.

In 2022, HS Hyosung's key affiliates declared the company-specific ESG brand vision and essence as the goal, by adding their own business characteristics based on the Group's ESG brand, RE:GEN, in compliance with this RE:GEN goal.


ESG brand vision

ESG Brand Essence

ESG brand

The Innovator of
Material Technology
for Every Generation

Reply to Every

HS Hyosung Advanced

The Innovator of
New Safety and
New Comfort

New Safety,
New Comfort


Chemicals to Generate
Possibilities and Reduce
Risks for Future

The Next Chemistry
for Every Generation

Hyosung Heavy

Tomorrow’s Energy

The Right Energy for


Provider of Eco-friendly
Processes among
Mankind Experiences
for Every Generation

Experience and
Reply for
Every Generation

Furthermore, each affiliate's ESG brand is aligned with their respective brand vision, and put ESG at the heart of their businesses. Their business operations are targeted toward ESG activities.

HS Hyosung avoids a superficial approach based on its sincerity to ESG, while aiming to encourage the social dispersion of partners that have the same ideals as RE:GEN via branding. We encourage all our affiliates to progressively incorporate ESG into their activities for each business theme.

Through this, HS Hyosung’s ESG brand “RE:GEN” fosters technology development and product expansion in order to build a more eco-friendly and sustainable world, while also striving to spread the company's good intentions both internally and externally. We are moving one step closer to the goal of achieving the “ESG ecosystem” as a new growth model for mankind. In short, our efforts are centered on ESG initiatives.


RE:GEN Alliance is a program planned and executed to expand the scope of ESG participation, not only for social dissemination of ESG but also for substantial enhancement of ESG performance, and even for contributing to the business performance of external participating companies, alongside capable external companies. It aims to become more than just HS Hyosung’s brand, extending ESG participation to have a real impact.

RE:GEN Alliance supports members’ growth and coexistence as a guarantee brand. Participating companies introduce more categories of products and solutions reflecting their growth, future, and ESG values to end users, ultimately aiming for ESG to become the foundation of future consumption habits. Specifically, HS Hyosung invests and strives to enhance the credibility,

authenticity and desirability of RE:GEN, serving as a practical umbrella for the early establishment of the alliance and expansion of the target audience. Participating companies in the RE:GEN Alliance should play a role in expanding and socially disseminating broader and more substantial entities, contributing to the values, ultimately aiming to promote mutual win-win situations and the dissemination of ESG substance.


As of 2023, we have signed ALLIANCE contracts with around 15 small and medium-sized enterprises that produce excellent eco-friendly products, such as Harlie K and 119REO. We plan to recruit more members for the alliance. The RE:GEN ALLIANCE will work to spread more ESG values based on the value of “accompanying every generation,” and the goal is to expand the ESG ecosystem to all social levels.

Developing the RE:GEN brand
and product to become a well-
established brand
Support via the
Umbrella Campaign
Coordination of participating
companies’ products to have
individual domains while maintaining a
consistent direction
An aligned direction
for co-branding
Holding marketing events to
raise customer awareness of
ESG products
Expansion in terms of points
of contact and scale

HS Hyosung's ESG biodiversity activities

HS Hyosung is fully aware of the importance of sustaining the Earth's ecosystem more than any other companies do. We have been carrying out increasingly targeted and intensive biodiversity and ecosystem restoration and preservation programs, such as “sea forests,” since 2022. It starts with the realization that as human activities increase, biodiversity in any form might be jeopardized, posing a threat to the entire human race.

RE:GEN GUARDIAN activities and expansion plans

Activities to
protect ecosystems
Company-wide and key affiliate ecosystem
preservation activities, including biodiversity conservation


“Online education on climate change and biodiversity”
“One-company-one-river clean-up”

HS Hyosung Advanced Materials

“Pogostemon restoration in Jeonju”
“Beach (Yongyu Beach, Incheon) clean-up”

HS Hyosung Advanced Materials
& Hyosung Chemical

“Plogging alongside the Hangang River near Mapo-gu”

Hyosung Chemical

“Behavioral enrichment of animals”

Targeted and intensive biodiversity conservation efforts, such as sea forests
Large-scale biodiversity and ecosystem restoration and conservation programs, starting with the sea forest management program in 2022


Threatened & endangered marine
species restoration project (2023)

Hyosung Heavy Industries

Wetland conservation activities:
Purification of wetlands and creation of
rest areas (2023)

These activities go beyond a mere biodiversity program; they are discussed and stated in the Group's philosophy of “restoring and protecting the rights of all species and the ecosystem.” This is also why RE:GEN GUARDIAN has become such an important axis of RE:GEN activities.

HS Hyosung defines RE:GEN GUARDIAN as the value of “accompaniment for all species” and plans to make every effort to restore even a trivial part of the global environment, including the sea, land, and rivers, as well as air quality, to a better condition for the benefit of all people throughout generations.

RE:GEN is more than just a name representing HS Hyosung's ESG but a pledge and action to guarantee that all present and future generations may enjoy their lives on a more sustainable environmental basis.